Salt water softeners, also called ion exchange units, are appliances that remove calcium and magnesium from drinking water. Resin beads inside the softener tank trap the calcium and magnesium and exchange them for sodium or potassium chloride. Once the resin beads become full of calcium and magnesium, a highly-concentrated salt or potassium solution removes the calcium and magnesium from the beads. After passing through the beads, the resulting chloride concentrated solution becomes a waste stream that goes down the drain. Many gallons of toxic water are discharged into the environment during these backflush cycles.
Our precious water steams and lakes are currently facing a pressing issue with the increasing levels of chloride (salt) in the water. This elevated concentration of chloride poses a significant threat to the delicate ecosystem of our fresh-water fish and other aquatic life forms. However, the detrimental effects of sodium and potassium chloride extend beyond the ecological realm, as even the water we consume for drinking purposes can be negatively impacted by the use of these elements in home water softeners. Shockingly, it only takes a mere teaspoon of sodium chloride salt to permanently contaminate a staggering five gallons of water, leaving a lasting imprint on the environment. Unfortunately, once salt infiltrates the water, there is no easy solution to eradicate its presence.
Regrettably, the issue of chloride is further exacerbated as the home water softeners drain into municipal wastewater treatment plants that are ill-equipped to effectively eliminate chloride. Consequently, the chloride seamlessly passes through these treatment plants, ultimately finding its way into our cherished lakes and streams. Moreover, in residences reliant on private wells and salt water softeners, the chloride is seamlessly discharged into the home's septic system, subsequently making its way into the very lakes and streams we hold dear. This continuous cycle perpetuates the concerning rise in chloride levels within our precious water sources, perpetuating the threat to our environment. Please consider the eco-friendliness of an Antiscale System for treating your hard water. This amazing technology has been successfully implemented by households and businesses in parts of the World where water quality standards are bellow than in North America.
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